Miss Nigeria Arizona: Eunice Orji

Eunice Orji is 23 years old and was born in Gilbert, Arizona. She is currently working in advertising for Microsoft as an advertising specialist. She goes to school part time and is chasing a degree in business and entrepreneurship. On June 18, 2021 Eunice launched an online makeup business by the name of Eunique Beauty LLC. She’s been featured in Phoenix Entrepreneur Magazine and is constantly selling out of her products. She spends her free time making the products by hand, packaging them, shipping out orders, and creating content for social media to promote her brand.

This is Eunice’s second attempt at participating in the Miss Africa Arizona pageant as she represented Nigeria in the 2021 contest. After a disappointing loss last year, she took some time to create a non-profit organization by the name of the Bright Futures Nigeria project which is an organization dedicated to bringing needed educational materials to schools in Nigeria.

In the later months of 2021, Eunice organized a fundraising event through her cosmetic business in which she donated 20% of each sale for the course of one month to fund her first nonprofit event. The school she chose to raise funds for was Ezingodo Community School which happens to be located nearby her grandfather’s home in Nigeria and is the school many of her family members attended as adolescents. The headmistress explained their current need was for musical instruments for the students to use as there had been parents that had transferred their kids to different schools due to schools lack of band instruments and with the funds raised, Eunice was able to purchase several drum sets for the school. To her surprise, she had remaining funds and was able to purchase new school supplies for the students to use as well.

The school expressed their need for some additional materials they hope to receive to help better the learning experience for the students. Eunice’s hope is to win Miss Africa Arizona and use the prize money to purchase computers for the small school and she’s willing to put in some additional work for fundraising if needed. She also hopes to use her knowledge in business to mentor the young girls in her community on how they can get started with becoming their own boss.